Providing Children More Play
Value for Less Since 1999!
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From the Blog

The Importance of Sports
Date Published: Mar, 24 2014
Playing a sport can be one of the biggest commitments a child can make. Choosing a sport, joining a team and practicing regularly are unique experiences that can't be replicated by other activities.  Read More
The Beauty of Teamwork
Date Published: Mar, 21 2014
The odds of any child becoming a professional athlete are pretty slim, but the odds of a child becoming a professional collaborator are pretty high Read More
Creating an Outdoor Classroom
Date Published: Mar, 20 2014
Despite the wacky weather, spring is on the way! As our thought turn to longer days, warmer weather and more outdoor activity, it's a good time to think about moving some or your lessons outdoors.  Read More
Fighting Childhood Obesity with Play
Date Published: Mar, 05 2014
According to the CDC, Childhood obesity has more than doubled in the last 30 years while only about 29 percent of high school students exercise 60 minutes or more each day.  Read More
Making Fitness a Family Affair
Date Published: Feb, 27 2014
With most parents working 40 or more hours a week it's hard to find ways to worry about adult fitness, let alone children's fitness, but the reality is that America's families are struggling to stay fit. Read More
Exercise Infographic
Date Published: Feb, 20 2014
Designing a Fitness Circuit
Date Published: Feb, 14 2014
Generally, when we're approached by customers who wish to purchase or design a play structure, their main goal is to get kids outside and keep them safely entertained Read More
Avoiding Heart Disease in Children and Adults
Date Published: Feb, 05 2014
Heart disease is the number one cause of death and disability in America today. According to the CDC, it's also one of the most preventable causes of death in our country. Read More
Create an Inclusive Environment to Give Children the Opportunity to Grow and Learn Together
Date Published: Oct, 17 2013
Creating an inclusive environment gives children the opportunity to grow and learn together. This environment must be fostered in the classroom and out. Read More
Plan & Create a Timeless Design for your Park!
Date Published: Oct, 08 2013
Whether you are planning a brand new park or making additions to an existing one, BYO Recreation is here to help you from start to finish! The first step is planning. Read More
Keep your family healthy & fit! September 28th is Family Health & Fitness Day!
Date Published: Sep, 24 2013
Family Health & Fitness Day (FHFD) gives families and communities nationwide the opportunity to get involved and get active as a family. September 28, 2013 marks the 17th annual FHFD. Read More
Caterpillar Crawl Installation at The King & Bear!
Date Published: Sep, 10 2013
This summer we installed one of our best-selling Create Play structures, the Caterpillar Crawl, at The King & Bear in Saint Augustine, FL. Read More

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"Everything was just wonderful! We would absolutely recommend BYO to others. Our playground is gorgeous."